20th Anniversary Symposium on Medipix and Timepix

The Medipix2 Collaboration will celebrate 20 years of activity in 2019. To mark the occasion, a special symposium on Medipix and Timepix will be held at CERN on 18 September.




The Medipix2 Collaboration will celebrate 20 years of activity in 2019. To mark the occasion, a special symposium on Medipix and Timepix will be held at CERN on 18 September. The symposium will be an occasion to show the ASIC developments at the heart of the work of the Collaborations as well as some of the numerous applications to which Medipix and Timepix have been applied. The symposium will be open to all past and present members of the Medipix Collaborations as well as various academic, educational and commercial partners. Members of the wider CERN community are also warmly welcome to attend.

Find out more about the symposium here.