
New 3D colour X-rays made possible with CERN technology

Stunning new images pave the way to large-scale human trials, two years on from the first ever 3D colour human X-ray using CERN Medipix3 technology

18 November, 2020

Medipix: Two decades of turning technology into applications

The story of how detector components ended up in medical imaging, in art restoration and even in space.

30 January, 2020

MARS Bioimaging is seeking partners to better enable drug development and therapy monitoring for COVID-19

The current standard for definitive diagnosis of COVID-19 is the real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).

15 April, 2020

First 3D colour X-ray of a human using CERN technology

First human scanned with next–generation 3D colour scanner using CERN technology.

18 July, 2018

How to spot a perfect fake: the world’s top art forgery detective

BBC on Fake Art – InsightART in the report!

20 June, 2018

Spectral imaging: from CERN to medical technologies

Ever since Röntgen discovered x-rays in 1895, physics and medicine have gone hand in hand, and advances made to particle detectors at CERN and elsewhere have continuously fuelled new developments in medical imaging.

07 May, 2017

Particle detectors for the classroom

Physics teacher Becky Parker of the Physics Simon Langton Grammar School in the UK keeps particle detectors in her classroom.

07 August, 2013

Medipix: From particles to patients

In the 1990s, researchers on the Large Hadron Collider were assembling the last pieces of detector electronics, designed to capture high-resolution images of particle collisions quickly and with no background noise.

20 January, 2012
20 January, 2012